Folkestone Sports Centre

“Expanding possibilities, enhancing comfort.”

A community driven project working with the Folkestone Sports Centre Trust and Kent County Council, which entailed the designing and installation of a new lift to reach three levels, a new disabled changing suite, assisted changing area, a sensory room, and a disabled community centre in the More Well Being Centre next door, called ‘The Front Room.’
Testimonial: “Pleased with the output of the above project, JV architects were commissioned to design a visionary master-plan for the Folkestone Sports Centre. This was to include exciting, sometimes extreme, outdoor activities to generate even more interest in the Folkestone Sports Centre. These activities included a new 100 metre ski slope; a new golf driving range and short practice course; a tree house-style series of viewing platforms with connecting steps; a sky trail with rock climbing, traverse wall and abseiling; a tennis bubble with three courts or multi-use area; as well as an army style assault course with an outdoor callisthenics park. This conceptual plan was formulated to create interest and generate funding in order to move forward to a more detailed proposal at a later stage when funds were available.”